65 photos

Dagdrivarn Egeria (f 22) - † 2011
95 photos
Egeria got a polyp in her ear, an operation was made and it was discovered that it was a really, really big polyp, she got horners syndrome after the operation. But she seemed to recover, and then it all started again the polyp grown back and there was nothing more anyone could do for her.
Dagdrivarn Jolinar (fs 09 22)
72 photos
Still alive in 2019.
Dagdrivarn Kelmaa (f 09 22) - † (????)
66 photos
I think she was put to sleep around 3-4 years of age, don't know the exact cause but other than that she was not sick.
Dagdrivarn Selmak (ds 09 22)
88 photos

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20100501 6v Egeria-Kelmaa-02
20100501 6v Egeria-Kelmaa-01
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